Posted 04/10/17

Macmillian coffee morning update!

Friday the 29th of September was a fantastic day for the Sight & Sound team and all their customers both new and existing. The team had been working hard on the promotion of the Macmillian coffee morning and it proved to be a huge success.

Every member of staff and a few patients donated cakes and cookies for the day and we also collected donations towards our tombola.

It would appear everyone has eaten their own weight in cake…. I think the next event might involve something healthy! But who doesn’t like cake…. right?

The tombola was a huge success and the team also revealed the winner of the “Guess” the height of the cake competition. A very well done to Mr Chris Heap who guessed the closest with 94cm! Now…. that’s a very impressive cake!

Wendy and Charlotte who were the main organizers also took the cake stand around many of the local shops and offices to collect more donations and we are glad to say that everyone was only too keen to help this worthy cause as well as devour the cake!

All in all both the customers and staff of Sight and Sound had a great day and managed to raise a total of £330.06 from the tombola and cake sales.

It didn’t stop there though! Roger Tabberer the director of Sight & Sound doubled the funds to bring it to a whopping £660.12 raised. What a fantastic achievement!!

We would like to say a huge THANK YOU! to everyone that got involved and helped make the day such a success.

The question is…. what shall we do next!?